Building a House with Scruffydog Construction LLC

This page only depicts our project after the first year and a half or so. If you're interested in the earlier pictures, they're only a click away.

Fall Break 2003 - Just like last year, I was able to get two days of work in over Fall Break from school.

It's amazing what a few tons of sheetrock will do for a place.

Just a nice day to take some pictures of the outside of the house and its two main creators. The cedar shingles are looking great, and you can see that we've gotten the grass planted.

Dad has been spending pretty much every other night at the worksite. Why not? It's got running water, a dorm fridge and microwave, coffee maker, a place to hang your Carhartts, and dogs love it.

5/23/2004-While I've been dad's finished all the drywall work and painting. He took some great pictures of the second floor. Too bad our scanner doesn't do such a hot job of portraying these pictures, heavy as they are with shadows and bright spots. I've done my best to fix them up. First there's two pictures from roughly the top of the stairs, looking into the Big Room, then one from the Big Room, looking back at the stairs, and finally one from inside one of the bedrooms, looking out the front of the house.

Late May/Early June 2004-

I came back from school and spent a day working on installing electrical outlets.

Pepper likes construction, but he loves riding in the car.

We started to work on putting down the hardwood floors. You've got some nice before, during, and after pictures.

Swinging that flooring hammer is certainly hard work, but it's hard to argue with such pretty results.

New to you!-

These pictures are old (winter break) but I just re-found them. Drywalling takes a long time. Rob Judson came out, here he's cutting some pieces, I'm scraping down some edges, and dad is swinging the mallot to attach some corner bead.

There was a bit of a plan to do some fancy (scary?) holliday lighting using an indirect method. This involved combining bulbs from multiple strings to create monochrome strings. It worked, but the plan was ultimately foiled when the bulbs we were using proved far too short-lived.

Hanging out with Pepper while staying overnight at the house.
By Dylan Flipse,