Author Archives: dflipse

January and February Photos

In the interest of reducing the amount of flak I’m getting from my family, here’s an attempt to get us caught up on monthly photo albums.

January pics were actually up on Google Plus and Facebook as of a while ago, but it doesn’t look like I ever got those links on here. January included our “Christmas in the Poconos” party/weekend with Med School friends and Bowleys, as well as home construction, a visiting grandma, and a new haircut for mom.

And here’s the actually new content, again both on Google Plus and Facebook. Big month, February. We visited California (Aunt Rachel/Uncle Brian/Cousin Henry/In-N-Out Burger), helped granddad on the house wiring, went to a wedding, and made new friends.

December Photos


Interested parties can find the rest of our December pictures (Mostly Safina, but a few others sneak in there) in the usual locations-

2012 December (Safina Month 02) on Facebook

2012 December (Safina Month 02) on Google Plus

Christmas Gifts

Safina thought of the two most important things in her life, bottles and diapers, before choosing my Christmas presents.


At least that’s how Surabhi explained it to me.

If that’s not enough of the baby, I now have pictures from Safina’s first month online.

Late Night Drinks


Back in Action


Safina watching today’s Spurs game with me. Wearing unnecessary socks.

We are back in action here at Through methods unknown, the sure was hacked and some malicious code inserted that attempted to redirect visitors elsewhere. Most of you would have been warned/protected by your web browsers, and I don’t believe there is any real chance of harm to anyone’s system, but I would recommend standard amounts of caution if anything seems to be amiss.

Just More Pictures

Surabhi and Fi are both doing much better. Dad is also stable.

Meet Safina


That is Safina Kay Flipse, born October 13, 2012 at 3:17am. 5lb 9oz, 19 inches, about two weeks before the estimated due date.

Mom is doing well after a very challenging labor. Dad is not entirely sure how to interact with his daughter, but has decided to try to start out treating her as a peer. Safina is ultimately doing ok, but had some low blood sugars and body temperatures, necessitating transfer to the NICU. Warmed up, she is looking great and the numbers have all headed back toward normal. She will get a little more attention than the average baby, but will hopefully be home after a few days.

Change of Plans


In Labor and Delivery, lucky room #14. Everything going well, updates to follow.

Project Updates

As you can see, both major projects around here are progressing nicely.

1. When is the baby due?
October 28th, hoping for a bit sooner.

2. Boy or girl?
Don’t know, asked not to find out.

3. When will the house be ready?
Quite a while from now. February is a reasonable guess.

Old Hotness, New Hotness

Pretty emotional day last week as I traded in the Civic for a new Subaru Outback. Those of you who bet the “under” on the “How many miles will Dylan put on the Civic?” prop bets made out like bandits, as my final odometer reading was just above 160,000.